Herr Franz Kolland

Mr. Professor Franz Kolland, Expert in elderly education, culture of old age and use of new technologies

Kolland Franz

Institute of Sociology - University of Vienna


Professor Franz Kolland is an expert in elderly education, culture of old age and use of new technologies.

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland researches and teaches at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Vienna. He wrote numerous publications (monographs, contributions in festschriften or in scientific journals) in the field of education of older people. Prof. Kolland is currently leading the research project "Cultural Styles of Elderly People", which deals with the question of how forms of creative expression affect the meaning of aging and 'doing age'.


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland
A-1090 Wien, Rooseveltplatz 2
+43 (1) 4277-48123
+43 (1) 4277-848123
