Basic Information
General Information
The International-Conference on the Human Rights of older Persons 2023, organized by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, will take place in Vienna from 29 November - 01 December 2023. There will be translation for German and English.
For detailed information, please refer to the documents in the download area on the right.
The Conference will take place at the Libelle on top of the Leopold Museum (MuseumsQuartier - Museumsplatz 1/5, 1070 Wien ).
Delegations and participants are requested to register online at: between 15th September and 24th November 2023.
Accreditation at the Conference
Upon arrival, all participants will receive their accreditation infomation and QR-Code to obtain their conference-badges from liaison officers at the welcome reception at the "Ovalhalle" on November 29th from 5.30 to 6 pm or on the first conference day on November 30th from 9 to 9.20 am, at the "Libelle", which is located at top of the Leopold Musuem at the Museumsquartier.
General Information

Who is Who (EN)