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man in white painting

Ageing and Future

Federal Plan for Senior Citizens

In Austria, just like in other industrialised nations, the share of senior citizens in the overall population has increased since the beginning of the 21st century and will continue to grow even more markedly in the years to come.

According to the Federal Senior Citizens Act, the tasks of the Federal Senior Citizens Advisory Council include making proposals for social, economic, health and housing policy and cultural measures in senior citizens' policy as well as drawing up a long-term senior citizens' plan.

In order to prepare Austria in advance of these forthcoming profound social changes and to enable it to make the best possible use of the opportunities they bring, the Federal Senior Citizens’ Advisory Council (Bundesseniorenbeirat) has worked out the Federal Plan for Senior Citizens that is based on the analysis of scientific studies.

The main goal of this Senior Citizens’ Plan is to safeguard and/or to improve the quality of life of all senior citizens and/or individual groups among them. In this context, “quality of life” refers to the objective condition of people’s situation of life and their subjective assessment in terms of satisfaction and well-being. The primary objective is to minimise inequalities and empower senior citizens, enabling them to lead active lives.

The Austrian Federal Plan for Senior Citizens consists of a depiction of the purpose and the objectives of the plan, a synthesis of the most important developments and objectives and recommendations in following fields: social and political participation, Economic situation, Social differentiation and intergenerational equity, Older workers and “work” in old age, Health promotion and health situation, Education and lifelong learning , Age and gender based issues: the special situation of older women, Intergenerational ties und intergenerational relations, Housing conditions, technology and mobility, Nursing and new forms of care, Social security, social and consumer protection, Ageing and Media, Discrimination, violence and exclusion, Older migrants, Safeguarding infrastructure.

The Austrian Federal Plan for Senior Citizens is a unique document in Europe. No other country has ever before prepared a plan of this kind that aims to develop, guarantee and raise the quality of life of senior citizens.


Federal Plan for Senior Citizens


The main goal of this Senior Citizens’ Plan is to safeguard and/or to improve the quality of life of all senior citizens and/or individual groups among them. In this context, "quality of life" refers to the objective condition of people’s situation of life and their subjective assessment in terms of satisfaction and well-being. The primary objective is to minimise inequalities and empower senior citizens, enabling them to lead active lives.

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