Edeltraud Glettler, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affais, Health and Consumer Protection
Edeltraud Glettler
Edeltraud Glettler has been Head of Section V - European, International and Social Policy Issues at the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs since July 2007. She is responsible for various subject areas such as EU matters, minimum income, ESF+ and other social policy issues.
From 1992 to 1995 she was Federal Women's Secretary of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) and a member of the Women's Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation. She then moved to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, where she worked on equal opportunities and European and international policy. She was also involved in the organisation of the first Austrian EU Council Presidency. In 1999, she took over the management of the European and International Affairs Group at the Federal Ministry of Social Security and Generations. In addition to her work as Head of Section in the Ministry of Social Affairs, she heads the Social Affairs Working Group of the Joint Commission Russian Federation/Austria and is a member of the Presidium of the Leadership Forum Innovative Administration.